October 5, 2024

Cryptocurrency Trading

Proprietary to XCaliber Network

Trading Strategies

Now that cryptocurrencies can be bundled within an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) cryptocurrency activity essentially flat-lines after the 4:00pm New York closing bell; and remains unchanged until the next trading day. It is recommended to start and stop the PolyAlgo Trading within the 8:00am to 4:00pm time frame to avoid getting ‘frozen’ in an overnight trade and the inherent risk of a significant drop in price.

Some trading strategies attempt to predict positive and negative price movements for long and short duration trading opportunities.
Trouble always arises when the prediction fails after you have already entered the market on its way down.
The built-in algorithms of the Cryptocurrency Reactive Trading Desk do not attempt to predict movements. They observe the movements and react.

This Cryptocurrency Trading Application is also designed to clear the back-end trading marketplace as quickly as possible.
This is accomplished by:
Trading in low quantities of each coin/token.
Buying-in at a slightly higher price than the latest quote.
Selling-off at a slightly lower price than the latest quote.

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